How to cheat in Exam Method - 4

Try getting the "Instructor's Edition" version of your Textbook. For professors who use pre-made quizzes from their "instructor's edition" textbooks, purchase a copy. Find the correct edition of the book online and buy it. Before a quiz memorize the answers to the questions. This method is good for entry level science, foreign language and/or history classes that pull their quizzes straight from the book.

Try getting an "Advanced/Old Copy" of the test. This can be done by talking to an old student or by talking to other students who might have connections in the class. Study straight from the exam, or if you suspect that the exam will be the same, study the answers straight.

Try the "Comeback Later" method. If you know a professor or teacher will let you come back to finish a test, purposefully don't finish the exam and ask to comeback on a later date. Make sure to memorize the topics or questions so that you can look up the answers before finishing the test later.
Claim to be sick, go to the bathroom towards the end of the exam until its over, or pace yourself slowly. Be sure that your professor will let you come back before using this method as you could actually do worse if he/she doesn't let you finish.

Try the "Bring Your Pencil" method. As you turn in your exam, if your professor isn't at her/his desk, use a pencil you brought up with you to change or write in answers from the test at the top of the pile. (This is a high risk!)


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